Who’s up for our 10 hour challenge? 500 Miles February 19, 2015February 19, 2015Bryan Agoncillo Comment I thought about this the other day, not a lot of people actually listened through an actual 10 hour video of exactly the [...]
10 Richest People In The World February 17, 2015February 17, 2015Bryan Agoncillo Comment Sometimes you require a pick me up in order to continue in this world. But if your cup of tea is to become [...]
Katy Perry – Roar (Official) February 17, 2015Bryan Agoncillo Comment Love Katy Perry’s music? Here is the first one on our list entitled Katy Perry – Roar (Official) Original Youtube Link >> Click [...]
E-Cigarette Vapor Shown To Repress Immune System February 9, 2015February 9, 2015Bryan Agoncillo Comment Electronic Cigarettes have boomed into a $2 billion per year industry since 2007 with claims that they are safer than traditional smoking. Please [...]
Taiwan TransAsia crash: Death toll rises to 26 as engine February 4, 2015February 4, 2015Bryan Agoncillo Comment Just discovered this new this morning of another plane that crashed bringing the death toll of the current crash to about 26. They [...]